“Things Left Behind”

"He met me under the gazebo late at night, when my parents would remain completely unaware of my escape. He had the most brilliant blue eyes and always seemed to have a smile just for me. I know this, because it is how I always saw him. We had known each other ever since I was little, had spent every day together, and were always there for one another. This made our attraction perfectly natural. But my parents didn't approve, despite the fact that they knew that he would never be able to bring himself to hurt me, had always been there when I needed him, and would continue to be there for the rest of my life.

One day, I told them that I had fallen for him, even though in my gut I knew they wouldn't understand. They told me I couldn't see him anymore, though they both knew that such a request was impossible to implement. They could not stop me from seeing him, and I think deep down they always knew that. Despite all their complaining and their warnings, I continued to spend time with him; just him and I, under the sandy colored gazebo.

One day, I was talking with him when another group of kids came upon us. They started calling me ugly and stupid. They said that I was crazy...and told me that no matter what I did no one would ever love me. I began to cry, but then he began to yell at them. He said that someone already loved me, and then he said it again, but this time directly at me. The other kids didn't seem to notice, but they walked away all the same. It was things like that which made him special to me. He always defended me, even when he didn't have to.

One day, my parents had me stay home from school. I had become very sick, and was hardly able to talk. They brought me to the doctor, and he gave me some medicine that was supposed to help. Then he asked me to leave the room so that he could talk to my parents privately. We went home, and for an entire week I was put up in bed. My friend came every day, and though my parents never approved they didn't seem to mind his presence.

One day though, he didn't come at all. I asked my parents if they could find out what happened, but they just looked at me sadly. For the entire day I waited for him to come, my anxiety growing more and more as time passed. But the hours continued to collect, and yet still I had to wait. I began to think something terrible had happened to him because I knew he would not leave my side. Not willingly.

The next day he came again to my side. He looked as weak as I was, and I knew that he had caught what I had. Instead of sitting he laid down, and we held each other as the chills got worse, and I began to become delirious. When my parents came, I told them that he was sick, and that they should contact his parents. They should let them know what was wrong. They said that he was stronger than me though. He would be fine they reasoned. I just had to wait. Soon the fever would be gone.

That night was terrible. I continued to sweat and shiver and I began to feel a sharp pain growing along the sides of my head. I don't think I could have endured it if he hadn't been there with me. My parents continued to check up on me throughout the night, and even brought the both of us water. They gave me my medicine, and told me that I would feel better in the morning. Just one more day and the sickness would be gone.

That morning, I awoke to find my bed empty save for me. I looked around my room, but I could not find him anywhere. I felt better, but what had happened to him? My parents came in to check on me, and I demanded they tell me where he had gone. They told me that I was not going to see him again. The medicine would take care of that. I was stunned. I could not believe that they would do that to me. I screamed at them, asking them why, why they would take away my oldest and best friend. Why they took away the man I loved.

They simply said that he was not real, and that I had given them no choice.

For months I no longer saw him, and it began to appear that my parents might be right, and that I would really not see him again. I began to try to talk to other people, but it was never the same. They didn't know me like he did. Most of them just laughed when I would try and get involved in their conversations. I began to feel like I did all those years ago, before I met him. And for the first time in a very long time I felt scared in a deep and primal way.

One day, I decided to stop taking my medicine. I would hide it in my lip, and would throw it away at my leisure. Slowly I began to feel like my old self again and it wasn't until a month later that I was sure I was ready.

He met me under the gazebo, just like he always did. He hugged me like no one ever had before or since, and told me that I was beautiful. He told me that he would love me for the rest of time, and that I would never be alone. I don't blame my parents for what they did, but they just couldn't understand, even as smart as they were. No person could ever treat me the way he did. No person could hurt me like this. You can convince your mind to feel something that isn't there, but you cannot un-feel pain. You cannot end loneliness without com-pany.

So many people hurt me before I met him, but now I feel like I can be okay again. He holds me up, and I do my best to keep him a secret. He has beautiful blue eyes, and he always greets me with a smile no matter how old I get. He always says that he loves me. He is the perfect guy for me."

It has been months since I received a piece from the strange, unknown author. I had imagined that they had simply stopped, or had lost interest. However, it seems that now they wish to meet me in person. I must admit, I was surprised to find a note included with the tale, and even more stunned when I discovered they wished to get in contact.

I am hesitant to meet them however, considering their strange and secretive behavior. They gave me a location and a time, but not a way to call them or a description so I could recognize them. But the area they suggested is rather public, so regardless what happens I should be fine. The date is set for next week. I will report later on the results.


Restaurant 1 “Feeding”


Building 1 “The Black Spot”