Building 8 “The Dead Can’t Leave”

“Please help me. I don't know what to do. Everyone in my house is dead, and the thing that did it won't let me leave. Sometimes I think he is gone, but then I hear him in my head. Mocking me. He enjoys my anguish.

It's why he left me alive.

He said a father's pain is unique. It is why he killed my wife and my child...Christine and Alex...every time I try to move them from the couch, so they can be buried proper, he takes a finger. I only have six left.

I stopped trying to stop the bleeding, but I don't think he wants me to die just yet. When he wants me dead, I think he will tell me.

A father's pain is unique. When he loses that I have lost everything...I feel broken.

Empty and hollow. I want to feel angry, but I can't.

They are still here. They just aren't moving. They smell, and their skin looks funny, but that's it.

They are here.

I can't even grieve them because he won't let me put them away.

He won't let me die.

The Lyld...he doesn't mind me talking about him. He wants us to know about him. Knowing about something like's too much. It’s too awful. A thing that can hunt and entire family without me waking up.

Who can keep me in my house just to feed off of my pain… What do you even do with something like that? I don't know. I cry all the time, and it just chuckles.

It doesn't need me to suffer. It just likes it when I do.

I tried to kill it. I have a gun, but it did nothing to it. When I tried to use it on myself it didn't work. It… wouldn't shoot. The gun just stopped working...

Everything stopped working.

Ropes don't stay tied. The ground goes soft before I land...I want to die, but he won't let me.

I don't know what to do. I can't escape. This lurking thing with black hair. I see it in my dreams. It is here. It has come to see the others be born.

It is the hunter of monsters.

It is looking for its mother.

My mother is dead, but she is sitting in the arm chair.

Looking like she was never alive at all.”

Haven't talked to the neighbors. Can I call them that? Were they ever really my friends? Maybe they were. Maybe it’s me that's making it weird.

Lot's of people are moving...

Not moving. Just gone.

Lots of funerals happening. Even opened up the old cemetery again. Not sure what they are burying.

They all have to be closed casket.

I found one of those oily things in my room yesterday. Laying on the bed. Burned a hole in it. Took a lot of bullets. Had a lot to spare. Had to sleep on the fold out bed.

New bed coming tomorrow.

Gave up on putting these things in the garbage. Just put them outside. Called the city. Animal control. No one called back. I think they are dead too.

Margaret...she wants to leave. Oily things are spreading like a plague. Lloyd came back with something yesterday. Thing definitely was a human originally. Margaret didn't want to help me move the body into the back. Ended up fighting...and we never fight. I convinced her though. She help-ed me move the body.

They don't rot. That's good. Don't need the smell.

We can't leave. Feel like I am involved somehow. The attack at the mannequin’s house. All of them in my yard. The one on my bed. Margaret said it tried to attack me. I don't think it wanted to. I think it wanted to say hello.


Hard to think. Normally start drinking when I'm stressed. Can't drink though.

Promised Margaret.

She's coming home late. I don't like it. I am tired. I miss her. Things are hard. Why are they so hard...

Need to relax...

She is lovely. Love her more than anything in the world, but we cannot leave. Been spinning my wheels. Feeling worthless. Small. Lost my children. Almost lost my wife...

I lost my first wife. Visited Sarah's grave. Three funerals going on that day. People weren't crying. Just looked horrified.

They were all horrified.

Someone put a dead dog on Sarah's grave. They had replaced the flowers. I put the dog in a plastic bag. Reminded me of the dog in the rain. Felt the same way. Felt sick to my stomach, but I managed to get home okay. Buried the dog in the back yard, just like I buried the other dog. Came inside and started crying. Don't remember the last time I cried.

I am supposed to cry. Shows I am getting better.

I am getting better.

Margaret's night classes. When I think on it, I am glad she is going. Want her to have her time. We get too tied up in one another sometimes. Need to feel ourselves out. She smiled at me today. Over breakfast. She likes the way I make the coffee.

She smiles like no one else can.

Smiles with her entire body.

It's warm.

Thinking about Thanksgiving. Not sure what to plan. Besides the mannequins, we don't know many are people alive. Could bring her parents. They don't really like me though. Considered bringing the kids, but it’s too dangerous.

Maybe Margaret it right. Maybe we should leave. But...Wellington Street follows you. No matter where you go, it comes with you.

Most of my coworkers are dead.

Now it's just young people and me, working the restaurant.

Nice kids. Don't give me shit for the tremors...

Today was the coldest day of the year so far.

Got dark really early today.

I'm waking up early to see the sun rise with Margaret. Not sure how much longer we can do that this year. Have to make those moments count.

Don't want to mow the lawn.

Lloyd hides things in the leaves.

It's a sea of brown and red.


Building 8 “Fire in the Walls”


Building 8 “Coming Out of Their Skin”