Unknown Location “The Trailer in the Woods”

"Something about the trailer smelled wrong, in a way that couldn't simply be chalked up to it being old. Had I any sense, I wouldn't have dismissed it. I would have gone home, but home was the last place I wanted to be. And I paid for it.

It was my sister's trailer. She said that with all that had been going on, that I should get out of town, even if only for the weekend. The weather was supposed to be cool. No rain at all really. Just me and myself and with plenty of time to think things over. Plenty of time to calm down. At least that was how it was supposed to be.

But, she was right. It was beautiful. And there was no one for miles. A private place off the path from everyone.

I was on my second night out there. I had gone into a nearby town to grab some supplies. Mostly something to drink.

A few steaks also; food for forgetting.

I arrived at the place in the field. The trailer was off to the side, its back framed in by pine trees. The field was filled with tall grass and the ground was damp as I trudged through it on the way from my car. I cooked the steaks in a fire pit and downed a good amount of the booze till my head was spinning a little. I came out there to think things over, but all I wanted to do was forget.

At around ten at night I headed off to bed. I was properly drunk, and there was no one to talk to. The outside of the trailer smelled strange as I approached it. I figured an animal had moved past and marked it, though to be fair I had never smelled anything like that in my life. I went into the trailer and bedded down, the smell still stuck in my nose.

I think I fell asleep soon after.

I awoke in the middle of the night. Drink does that to me. Doesn't do that to other people.

I sat up, unsure why I had woken up. I went to the front of the trailer and drew myself some water, looking outside. I froze in the spot, as my throat constricted and my gut flipped on itself. Standing in the middle of the field was a figure, and though I couldn't get a good look at them, I could tell that they were facing towards the trailer.

There was no going back to sleep, so I waited for them to move, but nothing happened. They just stood there. Then, after several minutes, they began to make their way over towards the trailer. After about ten steps, they stopped. The person just stood there and didn't move, except to breathe. Their back was to the moon, and I still couldn't get a good look at them. I looked around the kitchen for something, anything to protect myself with. I found a large knife and looked back outside.

They were closer now. The deep green grass swayed, and the figure swayed with it. I considered using my cell phone, but I didn't want to look away from them. At least when I looked at them, they only moved some of the time. Eventually though, I relented and grabbed my phone from besides the bed. I returned to the window and nearly jumped out of my skin. They were by the fire pit, half standing in the embers. Swaying and nodding to themselves. Then the figure stopped and headed towards the window.

I checked my phone, but the battery was dead. How the hell could the battery be dead? I had it charging all night. I looked up, only to see the figure standing by the window, their hands on the glass, Somehow, even that close, I couldn't make out the features. So reluctantly I turned on the light, and I finally saw their face. It was looking at me, all six of their eyes fixed on my own.

My head began to throb, and my vision blurred as I saw them walk calmly over to the door I had locked before I had gone to bed. They opened it, and I felt myself falling.

I woke up the next morning in the bed. My phone was being charged and had a full battery. There was no sign of the figure, and nothing seemed out of place. Even the knife I had grabbed was back in the drawer that I had retrieved it from. But it didn't matter. The vacation was over.

I headed home and tried to put the events out of my mind.

But then, about four weeks ago I noticed a lump on my left arm. At first, I thought it was a cyst or something, but as the weeks went by, it started to grow. I went to the doctor and had them take a look. They ran some tests, and the doctor felt confident that it probably isn't cancerous, though he won't know until the tests came back.

I have developed a habit of rubbing it when I am nervous. I have been nervous a lot lately. I haven't told the doctor about the second lump I found on my leg. Not after I was rubbing the first lump the other day and felt something inside it shift and follow the direction of my finger.

I don't want them to know about the second one. They already want to remove the first.

I should have stayed away from that trailer.

I detect that horrid scent now when I wash my clothes."

It has cooled considerably.


“The Porcelain Coated Mask”


Unknown Location “Henry”