Museum “Umbrklensky”

The following was shared anonymously on a to be undisclosed forum. As this is the case, the substantiating of this account is rendered impossible, and thus the validity of it cannot be verified. However, there are key details found within the account the line up with the research that has been done at the time.

In the passages of time there is rare mention of the subject, if not being wholly absent from any texts. It is hard to tell whether or not it is something that is or is not, for what is mentioned about it acts merely in terms of abstractions, of stories across cultures with similar names and ideas. But through all of these comes a singular account that seems to speak most plainly about it.

“I spent years trying to make it a reality, but I found that the harder I tried to make it happen the further the idea began to pull away from me. It is like the idea itself was trying to hide, like it is self correcting. I have had to keep notes upon notes in order to make sure that I am able to keep track of it. I even took a class on note taking just so that I could do it effectively.

I initially came upon it when I was dreaming, and though most of my dreams fade away as soon as I wake up, as I assume it is with the rest of you, there was something about it that I wasn't able to let go of. It was this feeling that came with it, a sort of empty desire that refused to let go of me.

Something like a void, like a vacuum tube.

I saw that blank face for only a moment, but it has been eating away at me ever since. My friends and family feel like I am going too far, that I am losing myself in my search for it, but they simply can't understand what it is like.

They didn't have the dream. They weren't chosen to bear witness to it.

They are the uninitiated, the empty and the desolate. I am sure if I can find the evidence I need that I will be able to convince them that I am not crazy, that this thing I am chasing does exist, and that it isn't just in my head.

I found a book recently that looks encouraging. It was called “Jackie's Promise” by Jewels Fjord. In it, they mention having a dream and it shares similarities to my own. But that wasn't what excited me. What excited me was that they used a name for it, a catch all term called Umbrklersky. I did some digging but I couldn't find anything.

But then I realized that in order to speak about it, she had to hide it in the nonsense. It is the only way to properly fight off its ability to suppress itself. Umbrklensky is not just some strange name, and with some navigating it does become something. Umber is Amber, klen is clean or clear, and sky. Put it together you get Amber Clear Sky. Sky blue amber.

I looked it up, and there is was. It was the color of my dream.

The color I see when I wake up and when I fall asleep.”

All research has failed to reveal any information, regardless of whether one is looking into the supposed author or their work. The title is used, but not by anyone known as Jewel Fjord. The Jewell Fjord is a fjord in northern Greenland, named after Winfield Scott Jewell, who led the ill fated Lady Franklin Bay Expedition. These pieces have thus far remained disconnected, but research is ongoing.

As part of my work through the museum, I have been asked to begun to familiarize myself with the research methods of the Wellington Street Historical Society. Apparently the purpose of the WSHS isn't just the collection of strange objects and accounts, but also committing to further research in the hopes of uncovering the sources of these tales.

My head is throbbing after staring at pictures and papers for hours, and I think my allergies have begun adding up from all the dust I have been breathing in. You would imagine that a lot of these documents would have been committed to computer considering how often the courthouse where some of these things used to be stored would leak, but apparently that would be too convenient lol.

I have tried to create a more formal system, but the current curator, Ashley, isn't really interested. She has a way of doing things, and I am expected to do those things her way.

Doesn't mean I can't make some changes when she retires.


Building 29 “Figure on the Doorstep”


Creek 1 “It Sits in the Creek”