Unknown Location “Screams of the Void”

“I tell people that I am okay, but it is only because they cannot hear it. Planning around it has become a focal point of my day, and I have resorted to listening to brown noise nonstop, especially when I sleep. If I don't, if I let it relax for even a moment, the sounds begin to rise up again, and there is little I seem able to do other than try to drown it out.

Am I the only one? Increasingly I have been seeing people wearing ear buds who I never saw using them before. It isn't unusual for people to listen to music when they are exercising and the like, but people like me keep them in even when we are working, or when we are talking to people. Plenty of people have hearing issues that require them to drown it out, but that isn't what it is. This isn't tinnitus or anything like that. It is worse than a ringing in your ears, and I only made the mistake of telling someone what I heard once, and then they never spoke to me again.

There are a lot of studies into brown noise and its affects. People say that it replicates the sounds of a rushing river, or the steady pulse of the waters at a beach, and that may be accurate. But there is other research that says it is something else. I struggle to share it, not wanting to look like I am against mainline science or something like that. But if anyone would know what it is, and what to do with it, I think it is you.

Increasingly there has been a crossover between those who study noise frequencies and those who examine incoming sounds, heading to earth. This crossing over of different sciences has allowed people to start to understand what it is that we are hearing.

I have heard people talking, whispers really, about faces in dreams, pressed against the separations. But it is wrong to assume that there would not be a sound to come with it, that a scream from the void, cast in nothingness, is something that lacks auditory indicators. It is simply that sound travels slower than light, and so the visions of the calamity reached us first.

But no longer are they simply blank, empty faces, cast out alone in the white emptiness.

The sounds of a world, a universe screaming and dying would not sound like a cold, empty series of wails and cries of anguish. Something that big is not something that happens in a way where individual things could be picked out.

Instead it is a steady thrust of sound, a din that lingers on and on, like static or rushing water. And though I know that the brown noise I listen to is meant to hide the screams, it is fitting in a way, that I am hearing of this correlation. Because when I was younger...I remember what it sounds like when someone is screaming while a river is going.

The sounds seems to cancel one another out.

And if you get enough things screaming at once, you wouldn't be able to tell the difference.

I hear things when the noise moves on to the next track or I when I need to charge whatever I am using. And when that happens, I hear them loud and clear.

And I think you may be the only one who could understand what that feels like. How something like that, even when it is horrifying, can end up being comforting in a way.

It is scary at first. Almost too much to understand

But then it begins to move your heart.

And then you realize it is your music.

Like a calling to the dark.

And I don't want to listen, even if those sounds have become like velvet in my ears. Because I know what they are trying to get me to do. I know that it wants me to stop and listen, to welcome what it is that is coming. The sounds that it makes as it gets closer and closer.

The darkness sounds a lot like a river or screams. The end sounds less like silence, and more like a breaking of all things. And something like that isn't like a scream. Screams come from something that is. What is coming isn't what is.

It is what isn't.

What am I trying to say?

Am I understood. Does it all make sense>

Am I all that is l;eft?


Go rto sleep. I nedd it.

I need slep

I need sleep.”


Why did they think I would understand...

I am trying to go against it, to forget I ever read this person's account, but I can't/won't. There is something happening...something bigger than anything I have ever looked into. And that horrifies me, as I am bombarded by reports about rot and the separation of planes of reality.

I have heard about things like strange lights, and it is my job to listen, not dismiss them. It is easy for those who aren't involved to dismiss it, to see this all as just an amalgamation of horrors that are spread by those living in a peculiar place with a penchant for inspiring stories of horror. And that would be fine if I didn't live here.

If I wasn't a local.

Local and outsiders...displaced and the unknown. The ways you interact with this place act as a foil to our lives. We look upon this place, and we imagine ourselves trying to pull away from it, as even the most entrenched, paranoid, and devoted of our population are likely to do. This is a plac3e you wish to pull away from.

It is a place I am starting to want to escape. But I can't, because I have people who need me to be here to help figure it all out, because if the answers remain unknown than what is happening won't be able to be stopped. And as I look upon all these connections, the ways that things interact and interlock with one another, I am left to pull things together in ways that look like madness.

It maybe is madness...maybe all of this is hysteria, just strang3e, disconnected things.

But it isn't.

I want it to, be but it isn't.

Is history like this for other people? Do people that look into certain places start to feel like it is a calling and less like a diversion? Like, do people feel like they are connected to all of it, that it is more an act of serendipity instead of random chance that brings us together?

This stretch of road.

I have to hold it together for everyone else, even though I want to fall apart.


I just want to stop having to fight. I want to rest and listen to what has been bubbling up inside of me. But I only see a piece of the picture right now, and though I am scared to find out the rest, it remains that I need to keep searching, keep fighting, keep looking...

This all feels like fire in my veins, and the more I read the more my body hurts.

I am not sleeping well, the pain in my skin rising like a pulse...

I am in a lot of pain right now.

And I don't know how to stop it.

It all feels too bi3g...


Train Station 1 “I Close My Eyes”


Building 11 “The Dark Side of the Moon”